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Thought Leadership

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Why Design Thinking?

Because we truly believe that Design Thinking is a pathway to growth, change and innovation.

Design Thinking Effective feedback

Unlocking the value of effective feedback through leveraging Design Thinking methods and mindset. 

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Design Thinking

& Emotional Intelligence

Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively with them...

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Design Thinking Co-creation

The design thinking framework contributes to co creation initiatives by creating a foundation that ensures transparency, and...

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Design Thinking &

Employee Engagement

Without engaged and happy employees, a company won’t be as collaborative, innovative, and ultimately successful as it could be. 

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Design Thinking Teamwork

Design Thinking encourages collaboration, flexibility, curiosity, and positivity, creating happy teams and positively influencing the outcome...

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Design Thinking Servant Leadership 

Design Thinking is a methodology and mindset that encourages leaders to share their ideas with...

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Design Thinking? Agile? Lean? 

Design Thinking is about ability and learning. Abilities like dealing with ambiguity, empathetic learning, synthesis, and experimentation, among others.

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Design Thinking Gen Z engagement


Businesses could develop innovative products and services in order to drive growth and profitability by better engaging with their Gen Z consumers. 

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Design Thinking for GLOBALIZATION in Sports 

Complex problems need to be solved with a new perspective to advance towards a much more empathic approach...

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Design Thinking and work in the NEW NORMAL

Businesses, governments and civil society can leverage the human-centered, collaborative approach to creatively tackle volatility, uncertainty, complexity...

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The necessity of including users into the development of an innovation, both in observational research, such as that of Adolf Dassler in the 1950s, attending every training session of the German...

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Design Thinking for

By working closely with the clients and consumers, design thinking allows high-impact solutions to social problems to bubble up from below rather than being imposed from the top...


“Yes, and” in Design Thinking

What is it about?
The "yes, and..." method is a kind of brainstorming. In this variation, you build on various ideas from the team and actively use the phrase "Yes, and ". 

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Design Thinking & 

Companies of all sizes, operating in the most diverse segments, strive to promote creativity,....

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 Design Thinking and SOFT SKILLS 

Problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, leadership, collaboration and communication are the fundamental elements...

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Design Thinking & AGILE LEADERSHIP 

"We hear a lot about agile leadership these days. The good news is that everyone realizes they need some agility in their organizations... 

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Design Thinking & STORYTELLING

Designers use storytelling to get insight into users, build empathy and reach them emotionally.

Designers create personas...

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 Design Thinking  & LEARNING BY DOING

Design Thinking methodology enables you to learn about challenges and opportunities through experimenting. It empowers you to bring your ideas...

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Design Thinking & NEGOTIATION

Take your negotiation skills to the next level by applying human-centered design principles and tools...

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Design Thinking &

How to use the Design Thinking methodology to be an active listener? Design Thinking consists of 5 phases...

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Design Thinking & GROWTH MINDSET

In developing a growth mindset, you have to:

Be curious
Look at failure as a learning opportunity

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